Worse than Cocaine Addiction

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE learning. 

Perpetually going to class with tests and grades, maybe not so much, but having a mind that’s open and inquisitive – so fun!

Last week, I was at a chiropractic seminar with 5000 other docs and some of their staff.  It was amazing to be around so many like-minded people!  I learned, was inspired, and returned with increased motivation to take action on my health.  Over the next few weeks, I want to dive deeper into each facet of my top take-away:


Life longevity is most impacted by these simple things.

  • Food

  • Movement

  • Inflammation

  • Mental-Emotional-Spiritual Peace

  • Sleep


Let’s talk about food. 

I’m trying to figure out what to share with you that you don’t already know….


Sugar.  More addicting than cocaine

Causes metabolic dysregulation, inflammation and damage, and feeds diseases like cancer, viruses, bacteria, candida, etc.  

Sugar is found blatantly in foods like pastries, cookies, desserts, but it’s also found hidden in sauces, dressings, drinks, and “healthy things” such as “Liquid I.V. hydration multiplier.” 


Omega-6’s. Incredibly PRO-inflammatory. 

Causes neurological dysfunction, pain, inflammation, and contributes to metabolic dysfunction. 

Omega-6’s are found abundantly in grains, flour, corn, soy, processed foods, fried foods, seed oils (canola, sunflower seed, cottonseed, etc)

You most likely eat way too many Omega-6’s.  Unless you are acutely attentive to avoiding Omega-6’s and you are supplementing with at least 3000mg of Omega-3’s per day, your body is out of balance with too many Omega-6’s.



Simple but not easy – stop eating sugar, decrease Omega-6 intake, increase Omega-3 intake.

An easier approach

Open your mind and increase your awareness of what you’re eating.  What you put into your mouth should be Fuel not merely food.  The only stuff your body has available to ‘run on’ is what you put into your mouth. 


I’ll leave you with a profound proverb related to life longevity.

When you ask me about your health today, I’ll ask you about your habits 20 years ago.  When you ask me about your future health 20 years from now, I’ll ask you what you’re doing today.


Increase your awareness by just 5% regarding your sugar intake.  I promise if you do this, you will be empowered with knowledge about yourself. 

You have only one body and you deserve to treat it like royalty.

Consistency for the Win
